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Publication |
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Doaa khalil Ibrahim, Ahmed Faheem Zobaa, Essam Abo El-Zahab, and Ghada M. Abo-Hamad, “Improving Mho and Quadrilateral Relays Performance during Power Swings”, International Review of Electrical Engineering, IREE, Italy, Vol. 5, No. 6, December 2010, pp. 2919-2928. |
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Doaa khalil Ibrahim, El Sayed Tag Eldin, Essam M. Aboul-Zahab, Saber Mohamed Saleh, “Unsynchronized Fault-Location Scheme for Nonlinear HIF in Transmission Lines”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 25, No. 3, April 2010, pp 631-637. |
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Hussein A. Attia, M. M. El-Metwally and Osama M. Fahmy, “Harmonic Distortion Effects and Mitigation in Distribution Systems” Ain Shams Journal of Electrical Engineering (ASJEE) Vol. 1, June 2010. |
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Hussein. A. Attia, M. El-Shibini, Z.H. Osman, and Ahmed A. Moftah, ” An Assessment of a Global Performance Index for Distributed Generation Impacts on Distribution Systems” Proceedings of the 14th International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON’10), Cairo University, Egypt, December 19-21, 2010. |
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Hussein. A. Attia, Zeinab H. Osman, M. El-Shibini, and Ahmed A. Moftah,’ An Assessment of Distributed Generation Impacts on Distribution Networks using Global Performance Index’, Nature and Science, 2010;8(9) |
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M. Khairy, A. L. Elshafei, and H. Emara, “LMI based design of constrained fuzzy predictive control,” Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 161, pp. 893-918, 2010. |
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T. Hussein, M. S. Saad, A. L. Elshafei, and A. Bahgat, “Damping inter-area modes of oscillation using an adaptive fuzzy power system stabilizer,” Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 80, Issue 12, pp. 1428-1436, 2010. |